Saturday, April 19, 2008

San Tan Heights Teen Club

This is the Teen Club of San Tan Heights that volunteered their time to help out at the Build a Teddy Bear Picnic in the park today. They were all so eager to help out and volunteer their time that the SouthEast Valley Optimist Club (SEVOC) donated two $25 gift cards to Amazing Jakes for their community spirit. They even raised about 30$ on their own to help fund their next line of activities. You guys and girls did a great job! If you're interested in finding out more about the Teen Club please email Deidre Garber with CCMC. The link for SEVOC is under Community Links at the right.

At our last Community Watch meeting Phyllis Frasier with the SEVOC was promoting sports clinics on Saturday mornings in San Tan Heights. Some of the Teen Club hung out for our meeting and offered suggestions of what they'd like to do Saturday mornings. We got five adult volunteers to help out plus Phyllis has numerous other coaches who are willing participate. It will be Saturday mornings so if anyone else is interested you can contact Phyllis Frasier at

The second half of our meeting Jack Malpass introduced the Greater San Tan Area Coalition (GSTAC) to our group. GSTAC recognized that our area has a population of 46,000 people... and growing. They also recognized that in order to have developers and county officials speak to us on how we want to grow our area, they need someone to talk to. Simply put, GSTAC defined an area and split it into nine districts to balance population. At this point GSTAC is actively seeking two representatives from each district to conduct district level meetings to get input from those residents and businesses. District Two comprises San Tan Heights and Borgata. For more information on how you can become more involved in this click the GSTAC link under community links.