Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Meet the Candidtates!

Just a reminder for everyone that you can meet the candidates who are running for the seven positions on the next San Tan Heights Homeowners Association Board of Directors.

There are 15 people in all vying for those seven posts so it’s up to us as a community to decide who is the best qualified to lead our community to better things.

Next Thursday, July 24th 6:30 pm at Mountain Vista K-8 located at 33622 N. Mountain Vista Blvd.

This is leading up to the Annual meeting when the actual vote happens on August 19th.

WE NEED A QUORUM OF 10% OF THE HOMES FOR THE ELECTION TO COUNT! That’s 350! So please tell your neighbors to get out and to vote in the next Board of Directors on August 19th.

If we don’t hit that number the whole process starts over… and it’s been a long process.

Hope to see you all there to meet the candidates!