Monday, September 22, 2008

Community Wide Family Safety Day October 25 -- 10am to 1pm

COMMUNITY WIDE FAMILY SAFETY DAY – The Community Block Watch Association is partnering with the PCSO, Mountain Vista Elementary and Optimist International to bring, well, a party to Mountain Vista School. Bring a blanket, beach chairs and a picnic lunch and listen to classic rock by Firkin. They played at our Battle of the Bands earlier this month. Firkin brought in the most donations for battling Childhood Cancer at the Battle of the Bands! This is a group of guys that rock on many levels! And the drummer is the kid of one of the guitarists. He started drums at the age of five and I was blown away at his performance. Firkin puts on a first rate show and I know you'll like them.

The organizations we have in this area are numerous so we decided to bring as many as we can to you. We expect about 35-40 total, including a bicycle obstacle course, kid ID, local sports groups and the list really goes on. So come on out to Mountain Vista School October 25 and lets party!